Keeping Your Yard Snake Free with Electronic Snake Repellents

Like every species in our ecosystem snakes also play an important role as they help take care of rodents and other similar animals. This is why it's best to keep them away from your yard instead of killing them. An effective way to do so is with electronic deterrents which work by sending vibrations and sounds. Although snakes are not able to hear, they can sense the vibrations and will try to avoid them. Electronic snake repellers are a set it and forget solution which is easy to set up.

How to Set up Electronic Deterrents


Electronic snake repellers can be powered either by a battery or the sun. Solar powered repelllers usually have a bigger battery than battery powered snake deterrents. They need to be fully charged before putting them in the ground by leaving them out in the sun for 2 days - 3 to 4 days in overcast weather. You should place each deterrent so you have a 5 m overlap between each device's signal range.

They need to be placed in firm ground for the best results and they should always be in clear view of the sun. You need to put each device usually with only 10 cm showing off the ground. Drive a hole into the ground with a crowbar or tube with roughly the same diameter as the device - don't make a big hole and then fill it back. You want the device to stand still and not wobble around. Place the snake deterrent in the hole and push it in with a piece of softwood and then add the head.


Battery-powered snake deterrents can be placed both in the ground and on a tree. When installing them in the ground make sure you have dug a hole about 18 cm deep and that the ground is firm. Do not hit the device with a hammer and make sure that it's top is 10cm off the ground. Don't let the device get submerged in water as this can damage it.

To install a battery powered snake deterrent on a tree you need to place it in the middle of it, without using nails to secure the device in place. Make sure the device is installed on a solid surface and that it can't be moved as easily.

What Else Can You Do?

Cut & Trim

Snakes don't like being seen which is hwy you need to keep your grass short, up to about 5 cm. This also goes for shrubs and tress - branches should be kept away from the ground. By having about 60 to 90 cm of clear space under trees and shrubs you will help expose snakes and that's not what they want.

Cleaning & Landscaping

Make sure you maintain a clean yard free from bird droppings, leaves and other debris. If you happen to landscape make sure you avoid mulch and large rocks, instead go with lime grass  and smaller rocks, like gravel. You should also consider avoiding watering your lawn to prevent prey species such as worms, slugs and frogs being attracted to it which will then attract snakes to your yard.

Eliminate Hiding Spots & Chemicals

By hiding spots I mean any piles of leaves, wood and anything else that you keep piled up in your yard. Snakes like to hide in cool, damp and dark areas so make sure you eliminate those too. Avoid using mothballs as they contain naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene - compounds that kill mammals and insects but do no harm to snakes. Also avoid suing sulphur as it is both harmful to other animals yet ineffective on snakes.

Pet Feeding

If you have a bird feeder make sure you keep it away from your house as birds make a lot of mess when they eat. This can attract rodents to your house and possibly snakes as they love hunting them. If that isn't an ideal solution for you then place bird seeds in a metal can that has a tight fitting lid, otherwise just avoid feeding birds. If you are feeding your dogs or cats outside then consider doing that in your house as again the left over food will attract rodents and thus snakes too.

Perch Pole & Cracks

This is a good solution that will attract hawks and owls, a snake's natural predators. A perch pole should be placed in an open area so the hawks and owls will have a good view of the yard and the environment around it. Any openings and crevices should be closed shut as they can be used as entry points by snakes. Anything where air and heat can escape from is a potential risk.

How to Tell If You Have a Snake in Your Yard

One big indicator of a snake being present in your yard or garden is snakeskin. Snakes are known to shed their skin form time to time as they grow and even if you don't see the snake itself that doesn't mean it's not around. Another sign of snake presence is an increased population of mice, crickets, voles, rats and moles.
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