Beginners Guide To Tautliner Trucks

Tautliner truck is any type of commercial load carrying truck that features curtains on all sides. Also known by the name curtainsider, this truck uses a rigid body and it has the highest strength-to-weight ratio in the building industry. The tautliner trucks for sale provide as much freight security as any other type of utility cargo van or truck, and they also bring greater cargo capacity and access than cargo vans. The curtains of tautliner trucks feature load retaining straps, which allow the curtained to be pulled back when released and also to allow a forklift to be used for very effective loading and unloading. This commercial truck with curtained sides is a more economical option than most of the other truck types used for transportation.

Brief History Of Tautliner Trucks

The first tautliner truck was designed and built by the Boalloy Company, an English-based company. The direct of Boalloy Company, Gerald Broadbent, was the man who patented the first Tautliner model in 1983 and is known as the inventor of the curtainsider. But the company was performing very poorly and in 2007, its right were acquired by the Stobart Group, another popular English road transport company. However, today tautliner trucks for sale are manufactured by a lot of truck manufacturers.

What's So Special About Tautliner Trucks?

The tautliner trucks provide an access to payloads through the rigid rear door and from both its curtain sides. For enhanced structural integrity, tautliner trucks feature aluminum corner posts both at the rear and the front. Their aluminum rails impart roof stiffness. Inside the cab of a tautliner truck, there is usually a laminated hardwood flooring with strong steel floor support. The curtains on sides are made of PVC coated polyester fabrics for great durability and lightweight.

Before investing in tautliner trucks for sale, many customers are afraid of the curtained sides. However, the curtained sides are firmly secured with straps on the truck's tie rails. To secure the curtains, front and back curtain tensioners are used. These straps are able to deal with about 1.5 tonnes of tension. For protection of wear and tear, the straps feature welded vertical pockets with inner straps. Moreover, the straps are rust resistant and use stainless steel buckles for more reliable closure. The lifting and lowering the curtain sides of tautliner trucks is very easy and simple.

Tautliner trucks for sale are usually purchased when a secure road transportation is needed. Using flexible and strong curtained sides allows these trucks to equally support loads to full length and width, increasing the maximum payload capacity. Secure, weather protected and great payload capacity, tautliner trucks are everything that a company that deals with road transportation might need.
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